Say Farewell to Smoke! 4 Benefits of Quitting Smoking, And Why People Are Switching to Vape

Say Farewell to Smoke! 4 Benefits of Quitting Smoking, And Why People Are Switching to Vape

October 22, 2021

Man breathing fresh air in a forest with green trees in the background.

Ready to quit smoking? You’ll want to read four real-life, relatable reasons to finally get you breathing fresh air.  

Each person has their own reasons as to why they’re looking to quit smoking. For instance, some people may choose to give up the habit for hygiene purposes, while others may cite cost as their reason. However, kicking the habit is not as easy as people may think. Luckily, several ex-smokers can empathise with your plight and are willing to give you some tips. We spoke to former smokers Dominic Png, Victor Chan, Jason Lim and Sushil Nayer about their reasons for saying selamat tinggal to the smoke life, and why they decided to make a switch to vape. 

If you’re looking to quit smoking but need the extra motivation to get started, here are four reasons to do so by people who’ve made the switch.

1. Smoke Smell is So Yesterday  

One major complaint about smoking is the smell that sticks to your clothes. The distinctive bau rokok has always been a tell-tale sign of a smoker to everyone around them. Enter a taxi, and you might experience the long-term exposure of upholstery to that smell first-hand–it’s really unpleasant.   

“One of the main reasons that really convinced me to switch was the smell!” Dominic Png, a copywriter, said. He spoke about the distinct smell everyone associated with him, even joking that “ashtray” was his eau de toilette. He claimed that by switching to vaping, he felt good about socialising with his peers without worrying about any unpleasant smells.  

"When I switched, I was finally able to hang out with my friends without stressing about how I smelled,” Dominic revealed. 

2. Quit Smoking Before You Leave a Hole in Your Wallet 


A man’s hands holding wallet with credit cards and stack of money

Smoking is an expensive habit – save up to buy the things you really love.  

Buying a pack of cigarettes daily could cost you as much as around RM510 per month, or a hefty RM6120 annually.  

That amount of money could have been used to buy a gaming laptop, premium tablet or even the much raved-about PS5, both of which have a far more enjoyable and functional purpose compared to cigarettes.  

This was the choice Victor Chan, a graphic artist in Kuala Lumpur, made. 

“I was spending way too much on cigarettes. I was actually shocked when I computed how much money I was losing because of the habit!” Victor shared. 

According to Victor, that realisation made him think of switching immediately. 

Now, Victor spends his weekends streaming his video game sessions on Twitch—and he’s quickly building up a following on the platform. 

“Not only was the PS5 a far more cost-effective purchase compared to cigarettes, but streaming games actually helped take off some of the stress I’ve been feeling because of the pandemic,” Victor added. 

3. HabukBegone! 


Clean empty round glass ashtray on an old wooden table

Imagine ash falling off the table — what a mess!  

Apart from the smell and cost, one other issue that drives people away from smoking is the ash and trash that result from the habit.  

“It’s bad enough that smoking leaves a smell, but the stains and burns from ash on clothes and your surroundings give the impression that you’re tidak kemas, or worse, pengotor!” said Jason Lim, a writer from Ipoh. 

According to Jason, he got fed up with the all the mess caused by cigarettes. 

“One time, I was vacuuming some ash in the middle of the night, and it got me into trouble with my neighbours!” Jason laughed. 

Not only that, but cigarette ash can go everywhere — even in places where you wouldn’t expect them to be. 

“I once used up an entire roll of lint removing tape because there was a lot of ash on my clothes” Jason stated. 

Switching to vape, he said, doesn’t pose these problems. “Once you’ve used up the pod, that’s it. No smoke, no ash!” Jason added.  

4. Smoking Wastes So Much  

Smoking is one of the least convenient habits once can have.  

Let’s face it, how many times have you forced yourself to finish smoking an entire stick, just because you have to attend a meeting?  

“This is where switching to vape comes in,” Sushil Nayer, a musician, said. 

“I was just smoking during my break but I had to force myself to finish an entire stick at twice my usual pace because of a sudden meeting!” 

According to Sushil, vaping presents no such problems: “Just take the puffs you need, turn the device off to attend to your tasks, and then turn it back on once you’re done. Easy!” 

Not only are vapes very accessible, Sushil says, they also don’t cause any of the problems associated with cigarettes, such as funky smells and messy ash, making them convenient for the everyday user. 


There are various reasons as to why people decide to kick the habit or find different alternatives. Vaping is a good choice for those who are looking to have a no ash, no smoke journey. And after speaking to our 4 friends who have made the switch — Dominic, Victor, Jason and Sushil — people will now have more reasons to quit smoking.

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