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Your E-Cigarette Stopped Working? Here's How To Fix Your Vape Device

December 21, 2021

Picture this: you’re working late, and you feel the urge to take a pull from your trusty vape device, but you discover that it isn’t working. Sakit hati, kan? Malfunction can occur due to a number of factors, including a clogged vape pod. Because of this, you may have to check your device’s internal components to get to the root of the problem.

The good news is that the majority of problems that vape users encounter are actually pretty simple to fix. 

Just take a look at the examples below:

My Vape Device Isn’t Producing Any Vapour. What is Wrong With my Device?

One of the most common issues that vape users encounter are devices that  — even when fully charged — don’t produce any vapour. 

This problem is usually caused by a number of factors, such as damaged coils and atomisers, which often result from e-liquid leaking into the device. 

To prevent leaks from happening, users should always store their devices in an upright position, in addition to properly maintaining them with regular cleaning. 

To avoid the constant headaches caused by cleaning and maintaining a vape device, you can opt to buy either RELX’s Infinity and Essential lines. 

These top-quality devices boast a Leak-Resistant Maze system, which means that their internal components are always safe from leaks, clogs, and other problems.

My Vape Tastes Burnt. What’s Wrong With my Device?

A group of friends hang out together with RELX devices in their hands.

Burnt-tasting vapour can spoil your vaping experience. Here’s what you can do to fix it. 

If your vape device produces vapour that has a distinct, burnt taste, that could be a sign that you need to replace your coil.

First, take your device apart and then take a peek at its coils: if the wicks are blackened, take them out and replace them.

If the burnt taste remains even after the wicks are replaced, you might be vaping or taking pulls at too fast a pace. To solve this, try to slow down and take 30-second breaks between each pull.

My Vape Device Only Produces Minimal Vapour. What Should I Do?

If your vape device only produces a small amount of vapour, it might be due to using e-liquids that don’t have enough vegetable glycerin (VG) in their formulation. If this is the case, simply replace your e-liquid with a product that has a higher concentration of VG.

If, after getting new e-liquid, your device still produces minimal vapour, try checking its wattage. If it’s set too low, that could be the reason why it’s not vaporising the e-liquid more efficiently.

Another internal issue that can cause this problem is a faulty atomiser pin. Try opening your vape mod and then examine the pin at the center of the atomiser connector. If it’s pushed down, simply use a small tool or pin to pull it back into its proper position.

It’s Hard to Take Pulls with My Vape Device. What Should I Do?

A woman holds a RELX device in her hand.

If quality and a Super Smooth experience is what you’re after, get a RELX device now.

If your device doesn’t let you take good pulls, it might be because the coils and wicks are too saturated with e-liquid.

To solve this problem, open up your device and clean its threading using a tissue. Then, clean its tank using warm water, making sure to dry it right after. After that, blow into the device’s air holes to see if they are working properly. Next, grab some tissue and clean the area where the coil comes into contact with the mod. 

If your mod’s coils are blackened, replace them, making sure to prime the new set well.

If endless maintenance routines aren’t your thing, maybe it’s time you gave RELX Infinity and Essential devices a try. Belum cuba belum tahu!

Boasting an award-winning design and cutting-edge features such as a Leak-Resistant Maze system, a Smart Pace Vibration Alert, and dual-charging capabilities, RELX’s Infinity and Essential devices are sure to give you the Super Smooth experience that you deserve.

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