Take This Quiz to Find Out the Perfect Unique Gifts for Your Man!

Take This Quiz to Find Out the Perfect Unique Gifts for Your Man!

January 03, 2022


There’s no point denying it – finding gifts for the men in your life can be stressful. 

There’s the masyuk Esquire Man who's obsessed with everything related to culture and luxury; The Life of The Party, who just radiates gempak with his unbridled energy; The Car Enthusiast, whose very presence just radiates passion, and The Techie, who's basically a tech magazine in human form. 

If you’re already pressed for time and you still haven’t bought any gifts for the special men in your life, don't worry — just check out the quiz we’ve prepared below:

Quiz questions

1. Which dream vacation is more up his alley?

A plane’s wing is seen through its window.

A man’s dream destination speaks volumes about his personality.

A) A party in Ibiza

B) Spending a day at the Monaco Grand Prix

C) A trip to the Louvre

D) Google’s HQ 

2. Which of the following best describes him?

A group of friends celebrate at a party.

One key to unlocking personality type is by checking out your man’s aura

A )Fun-loving 

B) Rugged

C) Sophisticated

D) Geek Chic

3. Which of these shows would he be most likely to watch?

A man scrolls through a streaming service’s catalogue.

His favourite show will tell you a lot about his personality.

A) Lucifer

B) Top Gear

C) Explained

D) Squid Game

4. What is his go-to weekend activity?

A man listens to music via headphones as he relaxes on his sofa.

Weekends are meant for hobbies and unwinding. What’s his go-to activity?

A) Meeting friends and family

B) Detailing his car

C) Watching classic movies

4) Digging those DIY projects 

5. If he won RM10,000 on the spot, what would he spend it on?

Young professional ‘makes it rain’ for an audience.

What he splurges on can reveal a lot about his personality

A) FOOD. Lots of it!

B) Shiny new car parts

C) An online masterclass

D) His gadget fund

6. What is his go-to outfit?

A stylish man sits on a bench in an outdoor park.

Sometimes, style gives us an insight into someone’s substance

A) Something he can ‘move in’

B) Sports shirts and nice kicks

C) Well-fitting button-downs

D) A plain black T-shirt

7. You're at a restaurant. Which of these is he most likely to order?

A young man enjoys his pasta and steak dinner.

As the saying goes: you are what you eat

A) Buffalo wings

B) Sliders, if he can’t find a drive-thru

C) A medium-rare steak

D) A salad. Vitamins required. 

Personality type

If you answered mostly A's, he's The Life of The Party

The very embodiment of gempak, The Life of The Party is filled with boundless energy, and is the type of man you wouldn’t have any problems making friends with.

If you answered mostly B's, he's The Car Enthusiast

For The Car Enthusiast, reliability is the name of the game. This type of man is always on the go and — just like his favourite set of wheels — is known for being incredibly detailed and focused when it comes to his life choices.

If you answered mostly C's, he's The Esquire Man

To say that Esquire Man is the very embodiment of mewah is an understatement. This man doesn’t just understand style and culture, he breathes it. Because of this, Esquire Man is your go-to guy when it comes to the latest in fashion, cinema, and literature.

If you answered mostly D's he's The Techie

Bijak pandai in more ways than one, The Techie knows all about the latest in consumer electronics and cyberspace, making him the perfect go-to guy for everything related to tech and DIY projects.

Gift items

  • RELX Infinity Charging Case - For someone like The Life of The Party, it’s a crime to run out of juice when you’re having fun with friends. This makes the RELX Infinity Charging Case the perfect gift for someone who’s the Life of The Party.  Not only does it have 1500 mAh of power, it also looks sleek and classy, which means it won’t look out of place in a party photo.
  • RELX Infinity - For The Car Enthusiast, things have to be sleek, powerful and reliable, to be considered perfect. Because of that, it's best that you get them a RELX Infinity device. Not only are RELX Infinity Devices powerful enough to give them the hits they want but, just like classic sports cars, these devices also come in a wide variety of stylish colours, which means that they can blend in effectively as sleek and functional accessories.
  • RELX Pod Pro - RELX’s Pod Pro line boasts an impressive range of Super Smooth flavours, all of which exude sophistication and supreme taste — two factors that make it the perfect gift for The Esquire Man.  If you want to give them the full Mad Men experience a la Don Draper, get Pod Pros in Rich Tobacco. You’re welcome. 
  • RELX Essential - A no-frills, no-nonsense vaping device that would impress even the best Apple engineers, the RELX Essential is the perfect gift for The Techie — not to mention anyone else who wants a stripped-down yet powerful device to call their own.

    Boasting award-winning features like dual charging capabilities, a patented Leak-Resistant Maze system, and a Smart Pace Vibration Alert, RELX Infinity and Essential are just two of the most advanced vape pens you can find on the market today. 

    If you’re planning on getting all of these items for the special men in your life, make sure to get them from the official RELX website to get the best deals.

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